The international economy is witnessing a dramatic change nowadays, as the economy no longer means more state intervention, but it is rather shifting to become an online virtual economy. 

Thus, economies that have relied on the support of their governments face more challenges. 

In the same context, the capital that has grown for decades in economies that depend on the state and wants to invest in Turkey, is looking forward to the endless opportunities that the Turkish market with a free economy brings. 

However, these investments will be exposed to many challenges, not the least of which is effective management in all its aspects, whether financial, production or procurement management, and not the last of which are marketing and sales management; Where Arab capital migration to Turkey is a vivid example of all economies that are controlled by the state, or in a conventional sense ‘supported by the state’. 

For more than four decades, Arab countries have been following an economy that is directly controlled by the state, which helped the growth of capital on the local level, depending on the severe market demand for all products without exception. This did not allow the Arab industry and trade to navigate difficult markets, and be faced by competition and responsibilities for employing human resources and developing administrative methods that could allow them to overcome market difficulties.


With the end of 2011, and as a result of the political conditions that hit the Arab region, a lot of Arab capital decided to migrate and search for new investment opportunities elsewhere. Most of the Arab capital settled in Turkey and in other countries. After more than eight years of working in the industrial and commercial sectors, migrant institutions began to feel their need to penetrate the incubating markets, and to make use of the opportunities by exporting to markets maybe most of which are characterized by being very competitive. However, it has faced difficulties within the institution, including:


1. Simple administrative structure that does not allow the institution to reach the ambition of its founders.

2. Weakness in marketing and sales’ departments that are the most important departments in the expansion process.

3. Fragile legal structure that prevents the institution from exploiting the opportunities offered by the incubating environments and the supporting institutions in the host countries.


The founders of "Tatwir" for business empowerment are of a Syrian nationality. They have been both working in the business sector for more than two decades, a large part of which has been spent in Syria and in other Arab markets, where they have been involved in the processes of developing the business of major Syrian institutions, which helped them deepen their knowledge of:


1. the Arab work environment in general, and the Syrian work environment in particular.

2. the Arab human resources’ environment in general, and the Syrian human resources’ environment in particular.

3. the nature of Arab-Turkish relations, as both founders have been involved in business administration in most of the Syrian and Saudi geography. Thus, they are well-versed in the demographics of the Levant and the Arab Gulf states, and their many interactions among them on the one hand, and between them and the Turkish market on the other hand. They spent nearly a decade working with different segments of the Arab private sector in Turkey.


The work of both co-founders with multinational transcontinental companies outside Syria has made them involved in the foreign markets and experts in them. In addition, living in Turkey, and working with many companies in Turkey and abroad has made them aware of the difficulties within the Turkish market and how to overcome them.

The co-founders sought the services of a team of consultants and specialists in various aspects of management as well as local sales specialists of a Turkish nationality in order to be able to act as local guides in the Turkish markets, and to be able to achieve tangible results for the customers of "Tatwir".


Outputs of ‘Tatwir’s work with its partners:


Many can describe the methods of success in terms of production, administration and marketing, and perhaps a smaller number can transform this knowledge into actionable plans.

However, even if knowledge exists, and it has been crystallized into plans, only few people can implement these plans and turn them into tangible results and figures. Some of the causes of these difficulties are:


The scarcity of human resources capable of executing a work with high efficiency: "Tatwir" presented here a solution that it believes is the most ideal, which is offering training and professional development workshops in the workplace, and supervising the implementation of plans, as experienced and qualified human resources require a high cost that most institutions cannot afford. Therefore, carefully selecting talented human resources for each position and then training them on the top of their jobs is the sustainable and cost-effective solution for economic institutions.


Integration of efforts within the institution: The owners of capital often focus on some departments within the institution, such as the production department for instance, and less attention is given to the sales, marketing, finance and other departments, which weakens the envisaged results of the quality of the product, and limits the yield of the institution.

The solution pursued by "Tatwir" is to empower the efforts of all departments and integrate them, as we believe that concerted efforts can ensure the achievement of planned and desired results. Having a high-quality product is not enough if we are unable to deliver it to the right end consumer, and there is no use in reaching the right end consumer unless he repeated his request/demand for the product. The benefit is diminished by repeated demand unless the product is recommended by the consumer to others. It is often believed that this sequence is automatic, comes naturally, and that it does not need someone to push it in the right way and care for it in order to become a fruitful tree. Studies show that this sequence is the secret of successful companies. 


‘Tatwir’ promises to provide the necessary specialized efforts and support to economic institutions and enterprises in order to achieve this sequence.


Sustaining Results: ‘Tatwir’ has realized that there are many success stories that did not continue. Achieving success is a skill in itself, but achieving continuity is a completely different skill. Thanks to our history full of successes, we believe at ‘Tatwir’ that we mastered these two skills ‘how to achieve sustainability and development of successes’. We also believe that Arab markets have a dearth in the continuity and growth of successes. Therefore, we can rarely see a multi-branch and a cross-border company in the Arab markets. Even though there are few companies like that out there, however, we do not encounter them a lot, despite the abundance of successful products that could transform the companies into cross-country and cross-culture companies with multiple branches.